Although I didn't walk this week, I would like to point out that I was in the program 3 times. That's how important I am. Twice with my maiden name and once with my married name. I'm not really sure how that happened, but since I wasn't in the program when I walked in 2005, I like to think that they were just trying to make up for it.
David's convocation was really neat. They had Polynesian music and really good speakers, was short. The humanities' ceremony is just so long (which is why I didn't go again this year) making the Kennedy Center convocation seem a whole lot shorter. I decided that when Andrew graduates, we'll go to his Kennedy Center convocation and not the humanities one. That way we only have to sit through 20 minutes of names, instead of 2 hours...which, in my opinion, is a lot more doable.
We had a lot of family come out, especially since Heather graduated as well. It's always helpful when more than one cousin graduates at a time. That way you're guaranteed that at least someone will come. It was funny because we had so many cameras going: Patrick, Andrew, Auntie Judy, Auntie Colleen, and I all had cameras. That was probably a little excessive considering we all got similar shots. I actually have a shot of our family sitting in our row with all cameras out and snapping. It's a pretty funny picture.

I walked with Jason for the exact same reason. He had the steel drums, a much shorter list, and no science guys or gals. That was enough for me. Later my mom snuck by and got the program with my name on it all worked out.